04/25/06 Breaststroke Starting to Taper

Apr 25, 2006
04/25/06 Breaststroke Starting to Taper

WARMUP: 1000With Zura Alpha fins:50 dolphin50 flutter 50 dolphin200 free/backRepeat the above, no equipment200 breast kick with Zura Sidekick100 flutter kick no equipmentFLY SET: 400+100With Zura Alpha fins and Tempo Trainer set at 1:65, swim 4 rounds of the following on :30 sendoff:25 Karla drill25 2L/2R Fly switch to whole-stroke Fly25 3 strokes Fly switch to Free25 2L/2R Fly switch to Fly100 EZ recoveryBREAST SET: 450 + 100Did this entire set with Tempo Trainer at 1:60. First five 50s are on 1:00 sendoff, then took an extra 30 seconds rest and started the final four 50s, which were on :55 sendoff.9 X 50#1: With fins. Hand-lead dolphin kick#2: With fins. Pulse Breaststroke#3: With fins. Underwater Flow (breast arms with dolphin kick)#4: Pulse Breast#5: Breast with Extra Kick#6 to #9: Breast at 200 breast pace. [went 42...44...44...44]100 EZ recoveryKICK SET: 250+100With regular kickboard:5 X 50 breast kick on 1:30 sendoff, with 7 Rocket Launchers before each 50. Descend time. [went 54...50...47...45...44]100 EZ recoveryPULL SET: 300300 Freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathing every 2/every 3BREAST SET: 150With Tempo Trainer set to beep every 10 seconds:6 X 25 breast, trying to swim each 25 in :20 or better, on 10 seconds rest. [went 20 on 5; 10 on 6th -- 9 to 10 strokes per length]WARMDOWN: 350200 Freestyle pull plus 100 EZ back and breast kickTotal Yardage: 3000

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