05/03/06 Tether and Turns

May 3, 2006
05/03/06  Tether and Turns

WARMUP: 600200 alternating dolphin or breast kick and back or free200 back and free200 breast kick alternating Zura Sidekick and Head-Lead -- working on hipsTETHER SET: 120 + 80 + 1601 X 40 breast with tether (20 resisted and 20 assisted)1 X 80 breast with tetherEZ 80 swim160 Scull IM with pull buoyFLY SET: 400 + 120Twice through, with fins and Tempo Trainer set at 1:65. Took 8 beeps (about 15 seconds) rest inbetween 40s.5 X 40#1: Karla drill#2: 2L/2R Fly switch to whole stroke fly#3: 3 strokes fly switch to free#4: 2L/2R switch to fly#5: fly120 EZ recoveryTETHER SET: 120 + 80Repeat original tether set: 1 X 40 and 1 X 80.80 EZ recoveryBREAST SET: 200 + 12010 X 20 breast, starting each 20 from a layout turn. Do underwater, breakout, and 3 strokes FAST breast then switch to free. Working on holding streamlined legs and feet into the first stroke, and getting immediately to speed after the breakout.120 EZ recoveryTETHER SET: 120 + 80Repeat the tether set: 1 X 40 and 1 X 80.WARMDOWN: 120 EZTotal Yardage: 2300

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