05/04/06 UV Rays Masters Fins Yes, But...

May 4, 2006
05/04/06 UV Rays Masters  Fins Yes, But...

On Tuesday we did 400s, so today I wanted to keep things short and add some speed at the end.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownTRIATHLON SET: 200With fins.8 X 25 free on approx. :10 RI.Swim three abreast in your lane. If there are only two of you, one swims down the middle. The idea is to swim close together -- getting used to crowded conditions at the start of a triathlon.FLY SET: 400With fins.Swim four times through the following. Rest interval is 10 to 15 seconds.1 X 25 -- 2L/2R Fly1 X 25 -- 3 strokes Fly...switch to Free1 X 25 -- alternate one cycle Pulse Breast and one cycle Pulse Fly1 X 25 -- 3 strokes Fly...switch to FreeKICK SET: 200No equipment.200 flutter kick on your back, alternating head-lead kick/hand-lead kick by 50.IM SET: 300 + 50No equipment.4 X 75 FL/BK/BR...BK/BR/FR...FL/BK/BR...BK/BR/FRFREESTYLE SET: ???????With fins!!!Swim straight through the following. No breaks. The idea is to keep going until you fail to meet the sendoff. To choose your initial sendoff, add approximately :35 seconds to your time on the first 100, which should be swum at an easy pace.2 X 100 @ X sendoff (fastest lane used 1:50; middle lanes used 2:00)2 X 100 @ X minus :10 sendoff2 X 100 @ X minus :202 X 100 @ X minus :302 X 100 @ X minus :40Etc.Our fastest lane managed to do 10 X 100, going from a 1:50 sendoff down to 1:10. Their times ranged from 1:15 to 1:20 on the first few 100s, down to 1:05 to 1:10 on the final two 100s.WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: approx. 2700Beginner Lane:Substitute 6 X 25 for 8 X 25 on the TRIATHLON SET.FLY SET: 200With fins, twice through:25 Dolphin on back25 dolphin on stomach25 2L/2R Fly25 Pulse BreastFREESTYLE SET: 200 + 1008 X 25 Free on :40 sendoff, trying to hold good form.100 EZ recovery with fins.FREESTYLE SET: 400With fins this time.16 X 25 Free on :40 sendoff, trying to hold good form.WARMDOWN: 100 EZ

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