05/08/03 CCB Masters 400/300/200/100

May 8, 2003
05/08/03   CCB Masters   400/300/200/100

05/08/03 CCB Masters practiceWARMUP:With fins.1 X 50 freestyle1 X 200 Head-Lead Drill IM: 50 Head-Lead Slinky 50 Head-Lead Active 50 Head-Lead Slinky on Your Back 50 Torpedo1 X 200 Hand-Lead Drill IM: 50 Hand-Lead Slinky 50 6-Count Backstroke 50 Hand-Lead Slinky on Your Back 50 Single-Switch FreestyleMAIN SET: 20001 X 400 freestyle followed by :30 rest8 X 50 (25 choice + 25 freestyle) on 1:05 sendoff1 X 300 freestyle followed by :25 rest6 X 50 (25 choice + 25 freestyle) on 1:00 sendoff1 X 200 freestyle followed by :20 rest4 X 50 (25 choice + 25 freestyle) on :55 sendoff1 X 100 freestyle followed by :15 rest2 X 50 (25 choice + 25 freestyle) on :50 sendoffWARMDOWN: 100100 EZ swimTotal Yardage: 2550

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