05/09/06 Getting Closer to Natls

May 9, 2006
05/09/06 Getting Closer to Natls

Last practice in a 25-yard pool before Masters Nationals, which start this Friday.WARMUP: 400Twice through:25 dolphin25 flutter50 breast kick100 EZ free/backMAIN SET: 1400100 with pull buoy, alternating 25 breast kick on back and 25 sculling4 X 50 breast kick with a board on 1:15 descend [went 49...47...45...43]100 with pull buoy as above1 X 200 breast, holding 7 strokes...8 strokes...9 strokes...10 strokes by 50. Focus on streamlining into the walls and into the breakout. [went 3:07]100 with pull buoy, as above1 X 100 breast, holding 7, 8, 9, 10 strokes. [went 1:27]100 EZ flutter kick and free with pull buoy1 X 100 breast, holding 8, 8, 9, 10 strokes [went1:25]100 EZ flutter kick and free with pull buoy1 X 50 breast FAST [went 40]100 EZ free with pull buoy1 X 50 breast FAST [went 39]100 EZ free with pull buoy4 X 25 breast on :45 sendoff. [Went 10 strokes on these and 20...19...19...18] Was overswimming the first three and not getting the times I wanted, so slowed the cadence down a bit on the final one and it went better.WARMDOWN: 200 EZ, then 4 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 2000

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