05/09/06 UV Rays Masters 10 X 100 Free w/Something Extra

May 9, 2006
05/09/06 UV Rays Masters 10 X 100 Free w/Something Extra

The idea today was to do several short, warm-up sets prior to the main set.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownFLIP-TURN SET: 2008 X 25 Freestyle, with straight-over sommersault at mid pool on each 25. For those who don't do flip turns, swim to mid pool and simulate an open turn by spinning all the way around and then swim the rest of the length.FLY SET: 200With fins.Twice through the following on roughtly :10 RI:25 alternating 1 cycle Pulse Breast and 1 cycle Pulse FLy25 1 cycle 2L/2R Fly...switch to whole-stroke Fly25 start with 3 strokes Fly...switch to Free25 Karla drillKICK SET: 200200 breast kick on your back, alternating hand lead/head lead by 50MAIN SET: 100010 X 100 Free @ :30 to :35 RIPick one thing that you will do on each 100 that is just a little bit EXTRA than what you'd normally do. It might be doing 1 (or 2) flip turns if you don't normally do flips. It might be not breathing until your second stroke after the breakout (from an informal poll, this is what most people chose). It might be bumping up your breathing pattern once during the course of each length. You choose, but try to hang onto the EXTRA for all ten 100s. In terms of effort, try to hold your times steady throughout the entire set, notching it up a bit on the final 2 or 3 100s.WARMDOWN SET: 200With fins.8 X 25 EZ EZ EZOdds: BackstrokeEvens: 2L/2R FlyTotal Yardage: About 2200

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