05/11/06 UV Rays Masters

May 11, 2006
05/11/06 UV Rays Masters

LANE 1: Do the warmup and warmup set, then flip to next page and do the MAIN SET FOR LANE 1.WARMUP: 400 your choice, on your ownWARMUP SET: 2008 X 25 with fins @ approx. :10 RIOdds: Hand-lead dolphin kick on your backEvens: 4 underwater dolphin kicks on your back…then backstrokeMAIN SET: 2000Start with EZ/moderate pace on the 400s, and increase your intensity throughout the set, so that the 200s are tempo pace and the 100s are 85-90+% effort. On the CHOICE, you can do IM, all freestyle, or any combination of strokes. 400 Free – no equipment400 with fins, alternate 25 dolphin kick on your back and 25 choice300 Free – no equipment300 with pull buoy, breathing every 2 (or 3)…every 5, continuously throughout the 300.200 Free – no equipment200 with fins, choice100 FAST FREE – no equipment100 FAST FREE with finsMAIN SET FOR LANE 1With NO fins:8 X 25 Free @ :45 sendoffRest 60 seconds.6 X 25 Free @ :40 sendoffRest 60 seconds6 X 25 Free @ :40 sendoffWith fins:200, alternating 25 dolphin kick on your back/25 dolphin kick on your stomachRepeat the freestyle Main Set, but this time with fins.WARMDOWN: At least 100 EZ, all lanes

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