05/13/05 CCB Masters Drills and Swims

May 13, 2004
05/13/05  CCB Masters  Drills and Swims

With triathlon season approaching, I've been giving my swimmers some long swims in practice, and we've gotten away from doing drills. Today, we went back to some drills, and focused a bit more on technique. It felt good to kind of regroup.WARMUP: 400400 your choice on your own.MAIN SET: 2000This is an "IM" set in that you will be drilling and swimming in all four strokes. We wore fins for the initial butterfly/IM set, and again for the freestyle set. If you have time, you could do the final freestyle set without fins. Our sendoffs were variable and we didn't worry about them too much. The point of the workout is to focus more on technique than sendoffs. Just take approximately 10 seconds rest on the 25s; 20 seconds on the 50s; 30 seconds on the 100s.4 X 25 Hand-Lead Body Dolphin with fins. Focus on using your entire body to move forward, not on kicking from the knees.4 X 100 IM4 X 25 2L/2R Backstroke. Focus on showing BOTH shoulders. ROTATE!8 X 50, focus on rotating on the BackstrokeOdds: FR/BKEvens: BK/FR4 X 25 Body-Dolphin Breaststroke. Use dolphin kick on the pulse and glide part of the drill, and use breaststroke kick after the mini pull8 X 50 BR/FR4 X 25 Flutter kick on a board, with fins. On :30. These are FAST!4 X 100 Freestyle, descend so that each 100 is faster than the last.WARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: 2500

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