05/16/06 UV Rays Masters 30 X 50

May 16, 2006
05/16/06 UV Rays Masters  30 X 50

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 1500 (1800 for fastest lane)Fastest lane did 11...9...7...5...3...1. Others did 10...8...6...4...2. To determine the appropriate sendoff, go to the final 3 X 50 or 2 X 50. On these, you want to be on a sendoff that gives you just :05 rest interval. Work backwards from that to determine what you sendoff should be on the first set of 50s. Then take off :05 on each set.10 X 50 free/back @ :25 RI, focus on flipping straight over at the turn -- quick turn50 EZ8 X 50 free @ :20 RI with pull buoy and paddles, focus on high elbow on the catch and pull50 EZ6 X 50 free @ :15 RI, focus on high elbow and extend your breathing pattern in some way that pushes you a little bit out of the comfort zone for air50 EZ4 X 50 with fins @ :10 RI. Your choice of stroke (or IM order), as long as you make the sendoff.50 EZ2 X 50 free @ :05 RI. Make the sendoff!50 EZWARMDOWN: 100 to 200Total Yardage: 2250 - 2550

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