05/17/05 Finger Crunches

May 17, 2005
05/17/05  Finger Crunches

Last true workout before Masters Nationals.WARMUP: 400No equipment. Did this really EZ, with EZ breaststroke kick on my back for all the breaststroke lengths.100 Head-Lead IM100 Hand-Lead IM100 Single-Arm IM100 2L/2R IMMAIN SET: 1500100 with pull buoy, alternating 25 breast kick on back and 25 sculling4 X 50 breast kick with a board on 1:15 descend (went 50...47...44...42)100 with pull buoy as above1 X 200 breast, holding 7 strokes...8 strokes...9 strokes...10 strokes by 50. Focus on touching each wall in streamline and doing a karate chop with elbow during the turn and then streamlining off the walls. (Went 3:03.)100 with pull buoy as above1 X 100 breast, holding 7,8,9,10 strokes Same focus points as on 200. (Went 1:26.)100 with pull buoy as above1 X 100 breast, holding 8, 9, 10, 10 strokes. (Went 1:25.)100 with pull buoy as above1 X 50 breast all out (Went :37.5)100 with pull buoy as above1 X 50 breast all out (Went :38)100 with pull buoy as above4 X 25 breast on :45 sendoff Went 11 strokes on these. (Went 18...19...19...18) On every finish this morning, my focus was to finish is superstreamline and to touch under water with tips of fingers. Coming into the last wall on the last 25, I head the bones in my fingertips go CRUNCH, which I took to be a good sign.WARMDOWN: 200 EZ back and free with pull buoy. Three starts from the blocks.Total Yardage: 2100

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