05/18/06 Fly...Back...Breast...Free

May 18, 2006
05/18/06 Fly...Back...Breast...Free

WARMUP: 600With fins:50 dolphin50 flutter50 dolphin100 free/100 back200 with Zura Sidekick, alternating 50 breast kick/50 eggbeater kick50 EZ freeFLY SET: 500 + 100With Zura Alpha fins and Tempo Trainer set @ 1:6020 X 25 Fly drills on :30 sendoffThree rounds of the following:25 alt breast/fly25 2L/2R...switch to Fly25 of 3 strokes Fly...switch to Free25 2L/2R...switch to Fly25 Karla drill25 2L/2R...switch to Fly2 X 25 Fly100 EZBACKSTROKE SET: 400 + 1004 X 100 Backstroke on 2:00 sendoff, descend [went 1:38...1:35...1:34...1:33]100 EZBREAST/FREE SET: 50010 X 50 on :55 sendoff. First length Breast @ 8 strokes. Second length Free, breathing every 4 twice during the length. [held :43...:42]]WARMDOWN: 100, then 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 2300

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