05/18/06 UV Rays Masters IMs and Free

May 18, 2006
05/18/06 UV Rays Masters  IMs and Free

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET:On the IMs, swim whole-stroke fly, but not to the point of failure. It's OK to swim 3 strokes fly each length, then switch to free...or do 2L/2R fly with straight arm for all of the fly. 400 IM with fins3 rounds of:25 free @ normal stroke count minues 2 strokes25 free @ N minus 125 free @ N (normal stroke count)Fastest lane was on :30 sendoff; other lanes on :35.300 IM with fins6 X 50 free @ approx. :20 RI. Add something extra to each of these. Ideas: flip turns if you don't normally do flips...don't breathe on the first stroke...breathe to your less comfortable side...bump up your breathing pattern once per length....200 IM with fins3 X 100 free @ approx. :25 RI At the 75, stop and wait exactly 10 seconds, then push off and do the final 25 FAST.100 IM with fins300 freestyle pull with paddles and pull buoy. Focus on high elbow during the catch and pull. Bump up your breathing pattern in some way (your choice).WARMDOWN: 100 -200 EZTotal Yardage: 2600-2700

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