05/20/04 CCB Masters 25--50-75-100s

May 20, 2004
05/20/04  CCB Masters  25--50-75-100s

WARMUP: 400400 your choice on your own.MAIN SET: 2200/1800/1400Swim 4 rounds of the following. You should determine your own sendoff -- roughly 10 seconds rest on the 25s, :20 on the 50s, :25 on the 75s, :30 on the 100s.1 X 25 Breaststroke1 X 50 Kick (your choice of kick, and your choice of board, pull buoy, or no equipment)1 X 75 Back/Breast/Free4 X 100 (Fast lane did 4 X 100. Middle lane did 3 X 100. Slower lane did 2 X 100.)1st Round: 100s are Freestyle. Descend time.2nd Round: 100s are Freestyle, with third length of every 100 Backstroke. Descend time.3rd Round: 100s are Choice or IM. 4th Round: Use fins for the entire round. 100s are Choice or IM.WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2700/2300/1900

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