05/25/06 Kick, Fly, Pull, IM Practice`

May 25, 2006
05/25/06  Kick, Fly, Pull, IM Practice`

WARMUP: 400With Zura Alpha fins:50 SA drill50 LA drill50 SA drill200 free/back50 EZ free without finsKICK SET: 500With Zura Sidekick, kick three rounds of the following (continuous):50 breast kick, work the hips50 eggbeater kick50 5L/5R...4L/4R...3L/3R...2L/2R...1L/1R...two both-leg kicks50 EZ backstroke to loosen shouldersFLY SET: 500With Zura Alpha fins and TT set to 1:65, swim three rounds of the following on :30 sendoff:25 alternate cycle breast...cycle fly25 2L/2R fly...switch to whole-stroke fly25 3 strokes fly...switch to free25 2L/2R fly...switch to whole-stroke fly25 Karla drill25 2L/2R fly...switch to whole-stroke fly50 EZ freestyle to rest shouldersPULL SET: 500With fins and strapless paddles and TT set at 1:75, swim 3 rounds of the following. Rested for 6 "beeps" between swims.25 UW breast arms, dolphin kick25 AW breast arms, dolphin kick25 UW as above25 AW as above50 UW and AW but without paddles50 UW and AW but without paddles50 EZ to recovery the shouldersIM SET: 5005 X 100 IM on approx. L:20 RI [used 1:55] Descend time. [1:34...1:30...1:28...1:27]WARMDOWN: 100 EZ 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 2700

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