05/25/06 UV Rays Masters Double Helix

May 25, 2006
05/25/06 UV Rays Masters Double Helix

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownDOUBLE-HELIX SET: 1250You've got two things going on in this set -- the 25...50...75...100 and the changing of what you do on each of those distances. Don't worry about sendoff. Just go when you're ready. You can do the whole set without equipment or...what we did this morning...we allowed each lane to pick one round of 25...50...75...100 that they would do with fins. (Guess which round everyone chose.) Read DOWN each of the 5 columns. "Kick" means flutter kick on your back.25 FL Kick FR BR BK50 BK FL Kick FR BR75 BR BK FL Kick FR100 FR BR BK FL KickFREESTYLE/TEMPO TRAINER SET: 600 or 900Fastest lane did 6 rounds of the following. Other lanes did 4 rounds. Set the Tempo Trainer at whatever cadence you want (our swimmers set the TT at anywhere from :82 to 1:20). The idea is to stick to the cadence even as you are building speed on the 50 and 100. You have to find a way to add the speed, within your stroke count. You want to use a sendoff that gives you about 15 to 20 seconds rest on the 50s. Double that sendoff for the 100s. E.g., our fastest lane was on :55 for the 50s and 1:50 for the 100s.6 (or 4) X 50 free, build the final 12.5 yards....then 100 free, build the final 12.5 yardsWARMDOWN: 100 to 200 EZTotal Yardage: 2400 to 2700

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