05/26/05 CCB Masters Drill/Swim Sets with Toys

May 31, 2005
05/26/05 CCB Masters  Drill/Swim Sets with Toys

The idea in this practice is to do 2 X 25 of a drill or a scull or a focus point, and then do 2 X 100 swimming, incorporating the lesson of the drill into your stroke. The practice is more about searching and learning than about fast hard swimming.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownTRIATHLON SET: 1004 X 25 freestyle, sighting on an orange cone on every strokeMAIN SET: 1900Twice through the following:2 X 25 "Surfboard" Drill (half a length freestyle with head out of water and WIDE hand entry, as if you're lying on a surfboard and paddling out through the waves, then half a length with head in the water and still going WIDE with the hand entry)2 X 100 freestyle on :30 RI Focus on wide hand/arm entryThen swim:4 X 75 breast, except that first 25 of each 75 is breaststroke is with your head out of the water and your arms over a noodleTwice through the following:2 X 25 freestyle scull with pull buoy2 X 100 freestyle pull, focus on back end of the stroke and not collapsing the wristTwice through the following:2 X 25 hand-lead dolphin kick with fins and with your arms over a noodle2 X 100 IM with finsFinish with:2 X 50 freestyle (first length is Surfboard drill and 2nd 25 is FAST freestyle with wide hand/arm entryWARMDOWN: 100 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2100, not including warmup

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