05/31/05 CCB Masters Working It Down

May 31, 2005
05/31/05 CCB Masters Working It Down

WARMUP: 400 400 your choice, on your ownTRIATHLON SET: 100Do this entire set without touching the bottom. Tread water at mid pool until everyone in your lane completes the 25, then start the next 25. The idea is to practice leveling off and starting to swim without pushing off the wall -- something you may need to do once or twice in the middle of a triathlon swim or open-water swim.4 X 25 freestyle, starting each 25 from the middle of the poolMAIN SET: 2000400 freestyle400 IM with fins (OK to drill the butterfly)300 freestyle pull with pull buoy. Bump up your normal breathing pattern by 1 stroke.300 IM with fins (OK to drill butterfly)200 freestyle200 IM with fins100 freestyle for time100 IM with finsEXTRA SET FOR FASTEST LANE: 200Swim twice through the following:2 X 25 FAST choice swim on :45 sendoff2 X 25 silent swim in the same stroke as above. Take 5 bobs recovery between 25s.WARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: 2200/2400, not including warmup

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