06/03/04 CCB Masters 100s on Descending Interval

Jun 3, 2004
06/03/04  CCB Masters  100s on Descending Interval

WARMUP: 400400 your choice on your ownMAIN SET: The goal on this set is to hold your times steady, even as you get less and less rest.Our fastest swimmers did the max number of 100s listed below. Middle lane did the middle number of 100s (between the slashes). Slower lane did the minimum number of 100s.5/5/4 X 100 Freestyle @ :25 RI (Fast lane went on 1:50 sendoff, middle lane on 2:10, slower lane on 2:20.)200 recovery with fins, alternating Body-Dolphin Breast and Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your back -- by 25s.5/5/3 X 100 Freestyle @ :20 RI (Fast lane on 1:45, middle lane on 2:05, slower lane on 2:15.)200 recovery with fins, alternating your choice of drill and Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your back -- by 25s.5/4/2 X 100 Freestyle @ :15 RI (Fast lane on 1:40, middle lane on 2:00, slower lane on 2:10.)200 recovery with fins, as above.WARMDOWN: 100This was a kind of hammer-it-out practice. Most everyone held their times steady throughout the set, but technique was falling apart just a bit, so this warmdown is designed to make you focus intently on technique and HOW you're moving through the water.4 X 25 silent swimming, taking 5 bobs as recovery between 25s. Do at least 2 X 25 freestyle; the others are choice. LISTEN to yourself as you swim -- feet, hands, head, torso -- and be as quiet as possible. TOTAL YARDAGE: 2600/2500/2000

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