06/06/06 IM Practice

Jun 6, 2006
06/06/06 IM Practice

The main set is a modified version of a set posted on this site by LongAxisCombo. His version, which you can find here:http://www.goswim.tv/pMachinePro/forum/threads.php?id=3119_0_2_0_Cwas much tougher and a total of about 5,000.WARMUP: 600With Zura Alpha fins:50 dolphin kick50 flutter kick50 dolphin kick50 flutter 200 free/back200 breast kick, alternating 50 no equipment, and 50 with Zura Sidekick doing eggbeater or single leg.MAIN SET: 21002 X 125 (75 Fly + 50 Back) on 2:30 sendoff or approx. :30 RI [went 2:03]400 IM with fins, swum as 4 X 100 IM continuous [went 6:20]50 EZ recovery2 X 125 (75 Back + 50 Breast) on 2:30 [went 2:00]400 IM with fins, swum as 2 X 200 IM continuous [went 6:20]50 EZ recovery2 X 125 (75 Breast + 50 Free) on 2:30 [went 1:55]400 IM with fins [went 6:10]50 EZ recoveryWARMDOWN: 250200 EZ breast kick alternating 50 on Zura Sidekick and 50 no equipment.3 starts from the blockTotal Yardage: 3000

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