06/09/05 CCB Masters 600 Tri Swim Prep

Jun 9, 2005
06/09/05 CCB Masters   600 Tri Swim Prep

Several of our Masters swimmers are doing a June 19th triathlon with a 600-yard swim. So today we did two sets of 6 X 100, on decreasing rest intervals, to simulate the race. We did vertical kicking right after each set of 100s, to simulate heavier use of the legs (biking) right after the 600 swim.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownTRIATHLON 25s: 1004 X 25 freestyleOdds: Eyes closedEvens: Sight on every stroke cycleMAIN SET: 1800 On the 100s, try to hold your same pace, even as you get less rest during the two sets of 100s.6 X 100 Free 1st 3 are on a rest interval that is your T-15 pace plus :202nd 3 are on a rest interval that is T-15 pace plus :15Put on fins, and head to the deep end for 5 minutes of vertical kicking, with hands on shoulders or held out of the water. Then go right into a 300 with fins, alternating 25 Dolphin Kick and 15 your choice.6 X 100 Free1st 3 are on a rest interval that is T-15 pace plus :102nd 3 are on rest interval that is T-15 pace plus :05Put on fins and head to deep end for 4 minutes of vertical kicking, as above. Throw in some vertical dolphin kick if you want. Then go right into a 300 drill IM, using this as warmdown.Total Yardage: 2300 plus vertical kicking

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