06/12/06 Short Speed Sets IM Order with EZ in Between

Jun 12, 2006
06/12/06   Short Speed Sets IM Order with EZ in Between

Did this in a 20-yard pool, but the sets work for 25 yard as well.WARMUP: 840With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin on stomach80 flutter80 dolphin on back200 free/backWith Zura Sidekick, twice through (continuous):40 breast kick40 eggbeater40 breast kick40 single-leg breast kick40 flutterMAIN SET: 25606 X 40 Fly: 2 on 1:05...2 on :55...2 on :45 (make the first sendoff switch before the 3rd 40)Try to maintain time or descend. 400 EZ freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathing every 2...every 36 X 40 Back: 2 on 1:00...2 on :50...2 on :40 (make 1st sendoff switch before the 3rd 40)Maintain time or descend. 200 breast kick on back with pull buoy + 200 breast sculling with pull buoy6 X 40 Breast: 2 on 1:00...2 on :50...2 on :40 (switch as usual) Maintain or descend400 EZ freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathing every 2...every 36 X 40 Free: 2 on 1:00...2 on :50...2 on :40 as above200 breast kick in 5 different positions + 200 breast pull with pull buoy, breathing every 2 strokesTotal Yardage: 3400

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