06/13/05 Resistance Practice

Jun 14, 2005
06/13/05  Resistance Practice

I took a short break from swim training after Nationals three weeks ago, and have been focusing more on biking and running. For swim practice, I've just been SWIMMING, trying to maintain swim fitness and feel for the water, and I've been playing with some new swim toys. Did this practice in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 1000With Zura Alpha fins, swim continuously:200 Head-Lead IM (extra 40 of freestyle at the end of 160)200 Hand-Lead IM 200 Single-Arm IM200 2L/2R IM200 Single-Arm IMKICK SET: 400Did 7 Rocket Launchers before each of the following 40s.5 X 40 breast kick with parachute -- all positions UW, Head-Lead, Hand-Lead, Back, Front5 X 40 breast kick -- odds with big green ball; evens hand-leadPARACHUTE SET:6 X 120, swum as 100 free + 20 EZ breast kick on back. Odds: With parachuteEvens: No parachute2 X 120 breastOdd: With chuteEven: No chuteWARMDOWN: 120120 EZ swim with Zura finsTotal Yardage: 2520

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