06/14/06 Pull, Kick, Tether

Jun 14, 2006
06/14/06  Pull, Kick, Tether

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 1000With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin 80 flutter80 dolphin200 free/back200 kick alternating breast, eggbeater and single-leg breast, in various positions160 kick with Zura Sidekick as aboveMAIN SET: 1800Three rounds of:40 with tether: push off, pull down, 20 head-lead breast kicks, 20 breaths eggbeater, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, turn, swim back assisted40 with tether: breast resisted, turn, breast assisted200 freestyle pull with pull buoy, no paddles, breathing every 2...every 5200 breast pull with pull buoy, breathing every other stroke (use kick on 5th and 10th length)TETHER SET: 280 6 X 40 with tetherOdds: eggbeater resisted for first length, then turn and swim breast assistedEvens: breast for entire 40#6 was an 80 instead of 40WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 3200

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