06/15/06 IM Pyramids

Jun 15, 2006
06/15/06 IM Pyramids

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin on back200 free/back200 with Zura Sidekick:50 breast kick50 eggbeater50 breast kick50 single-leg breastMAIN SET: 1600Swim straight through the following four pyramids -- no breaks. I used a 30-second base per 25 as my sendoff and this worked really well. Was getting 5-10 seconds rest on 25s, 15 seconds rest on 50s, 20 seconds on 75s, and 25 to 30 rest on 100s.25 FL50 BK75 BR100 FR75 FL50 BK25 BR25 FR50 FL75 BK100 BR75 FR50 FL25 BK25 BR50 FR75 FL100 BK75 BR50 FR25 FL25 BK50 BR75 FR100 FL75 BK50 BR25 FRPULL SET: 400400 freestyle pull with pull buoy, no paddles, breathing every 2...every 3 and catching way out frontBREAST SET: 300With pull buoy, 3 continuous rounds of:25 breast kick on back25 breast pull, breathing every other stroke25 breast kick on back25 whole-stroke breastWARMDOWN: 5050 EZ and 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3050

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