06/20/06 UV Rays Masters 200s Free Negative Split

Jun 20, 2006
06/20/06 UV Rays Masters  200s Free Negative Split

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownTRI SET: 1004 X 25 freestyle, doing porpoise dives whenever the bottom allows it.MAIN SET: 1200/1500Fastest lane did 5 rounds of the following; middle lanes did 4 rounds; beginner lane substituted 100s for 200s and did 5 rounds. In addition to negative-splitting each 200, try to descend time on the 200s throughout the set. It was interesting to learn how different swimmers achieved the negative split. Some gave themselves more air on the 2nd 100 (breathe every stroke rather than every 3). Some started out by churning more on the 2nd 100 and this didn't work. Most found that if they relaxed and stretched it out and focused on technique on the second 100, it was faster than the first 100. Kind of counterintuitive.1 X 200 freestyle, check time at the 100 and try to negative split or even split100 dolphin kick with fins, any positionBACKSTROKE SET: 4004 X 100 backstroke with fins. On every 100:1st 25 = L arm only2nd 25 = R arm only3rd 25 = 2L/2R4th 25 = whole strokeFocus was on getting a bent-arm pull and not collapsing the wrist on the pull.PULL SET: 300300 freestyle pull with pull buoy, no paddles. Lungbuster breathing: breathe as much as you want on odd lengths. Breathe every 3...every 5...every 7 on even lengths, by 100.WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2400/2700

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