06/23/05 CCB Masters 200s with 25s as Recovery

Jun 23, 2005
06/23/05 CCB Masters  200s with 25s as Recovery

THURSDAY, JUNE 23WARMUP: Approx. 40010 minutes your choice, on your ownTRIATHLON SET: 1004 X 25 Freestyle. On each 25, swim to midpool, tread water for 5 seconds, then finish the length. MAIN SET #1: 1200 Four rounds of the following:200 Free Count strokes to get average “N.”4 X 25 Free at N-2 Take 4 to 5 bobs as recovery between 25s.MAIN SET #2: 800 With fins for the entire set. Fastest lanes do two rounds of the following. Lane #1 should do just one round, then warmdown.200 IM, except that Fly and Breast are dolphin kick on your back.100 IM, except that Back and Free are flutter kick on your back4 X 25 Free. First 2 are with dolphin kick; 2nd 2 are with flutter kickWARMDOWN: At least 100 EZ

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