06/27/06 Getting Back Into It

Jun 27, 2006
06/27/06    Getting Back Into It

Whew, just getting back to some real "sets" after a week off with cold and another week of easy swimming. WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin on back200 free/back200 breast kick no equipment, various positions plus eggbeater and single-leg kickFLY SET: 600 + 100With Zura Alpha fins and TT set at 1:65.Four rounds of the following, all on :30 sendoff no breaks:25 cycle breast/cycle fly25 2L/2R fly...switch to whole-stroke fly25 Karla drill25 2L/2R fly...switch to ws fly25 three strokes fly...switch to free25 2L/2R fly...switch to ws fly100 EZ recoveryBREAST KICK SET: 500 + 100With regular kickboard.5 X 100 breast kick on 2:15, descend [went 1:45...1:43...1:40...1:37...1:36]100 EZ reccoveryBACK/BR/FR SET: 450 + 50Three times through the following with no break, all on :55 sendoff. Descend time on each stroke.50 BK [46...45...44]50 BR [47...45...44]50 FR [41...40...39]50 EZ recoveryPULL SET: 400With pull buoy, swim four times through, no break:75 free pull, breathing every 2...every 325 breast pull, breathing every other strokeWARMDOWN: 100 EZ plus 3 starts from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3000

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