Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 640With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolpin80 flutter80 dolphin200 EZ free/back200 breast kick with Zura Sidekick all positions and eggbeater and single-legMAIN SET: 1080 + 80Three times through the following with no break, everything on a 2:20 sendoff. Try to descend time on each stroke throughout the set:120 backstroke [2:00...1:57...1:54]120 breaststroke [2:00...1:58...1:53]120 freestyle [1:45...1:42...1:40]80 EZ recoveryTETHER SET: 160 + 40With long-belt slider, twice through:20 eggbeater kick resisted + 20 breaststroke assisted20 breaststroke resisted + 20 breaststroke assisted40 EZ recoveryMAIN SET #2: 720Three times through the following with no break, everything on a 1:30 sendoff. Try to descend time on each stroke throughout the set.80 backstroke [1:15...1:15...1:12]80 breaststroke [1:15...1:14...1:10]80 freestle [ 1:10...1:08...1:05]WARMDOWN: 300 With pull buoy twice through 80 free pull breathing 2/3 and 40 breast pull breathing every otherTotal Yardage: 3000
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