07/06/06 UV Rays Masters All Freestyle! Getting Ready for Fairlee Tri

Jul 6, 2006
07/06/06 UV Rays Masters  All Freestyle!  Getting Ready for Fairlee Tri

This is a big triathlon weekend for many UV Rays swimmers -- with two local triathlons on the same day. Most are doing the Fairlee tri in Fairlee, VT. It's .75 lake swim through the milfoil, approx. 17 miles bike, and a 5-mile run around Lake Morey. Then BBQ. The shallow parts of Lake Morey are overgrown with invasive milfoil. It can be pretty yukky to swim through this stuff, because it ends up draped around your neck, around your fingers, and over your shoulders. So we did a short set today to simulate staying focused when stuff gets in your way.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMILFOIL SET: 150First, fill the lanes with pool stuff that floats. Kickboards are good. Pullbuoys, Zura Alpha fins, noodles, etc.6 X 25 freestyle, swimming through the floating debris. Trick is to stay relaxed and focused, with long strokes. Take the floating stuff out of the lanes.STROKE-COUNT SET: 300 2 X 25 freestyle at brisk pace. Count strokes and take your average as "N."Then swim twice through:6 X 25 @ N minus 2 strokes. 1 X 25 @ N-11 X 25 @ N50 EZ recoveryMAIN SET: 8004 X 200 freestyle @ approx. :45 RIStart by porpoising across the shallow end, then switch to freestyle. Swim at N+2 for the first 75 yards, then back off and settle into a pace that you can sustain for the rest of the swim. The idea is to simulate the adrenaline rush and hectic pace of a triathlon start. But...what most of our swimmers learned from this set was that it HURTS when you take a swim out too fast. There's some oxygen debt and lactic acid involved, and it's tough to overcome this. So what this set is really all about is teaching you that you should try to hit a sustainable pace right from the start of the swim. WARMDOWN: 400400 EZ freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathing every 2...every 3... and trying to get hands extended front to back on each stroke. Total Yardage: 2050

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