07/11/06 UV Rays Masters Palindromic Pyramids

Jul 11, 2006
07/11/06  UV Rays Masters   Palindromic Pyramids

A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward. E.g., HANNAH...MOM...DAD...NURSES RUN. The main set in this workout is four palindromic pyramids.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownTRIATHLON SET: 1004 X 25 freestyle swimming three abreast in each laneMAIN SET: 2000The fastest lane did the entire set as written. Next-fastest lane wore fins on round #3. Third-fastest lane skipped round #3 and went directly to round #4. Slowest lane wore fins for much of the practice and substituted 100s for the 200s.Swim 4 rounds of this pyramid:25...50...75...200 freestyle pull breathing every 2/every 5...75...50...25Round #1:25s = FL50s = BK75s = BRRound #2:25s = flutter kick with a board50s = BR75s = BKRound #3:25s = Breast kick50s = FL75s = BKRound #4:Wear fins for everything but the pull.The round is all freestyle.25s = Take only 3 breaths50s = Take a total of 6 breaths75s = Take a total of 10 breathsWARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2600 if you do the entire workout

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