07/13/04 CCB Masters

Jul 13, 2004
07/13/04  CCB Masters

You'll need fins for this practice. Ask the guard to get the bin.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownWARMUP SET: 300Swim twice through the following. These are at a moderate pace. Focus on streamlined pushoffs and getting as much distance off each wall as possible, before you start to swim. Take 15 to 20 seconds rest between each 50.50 Back50 Breast50 FreeMAIN SET: 2000Start with an EZ/moderate pace on the 400s, and increase your intensity throughout the set, so that the 200s are tempo pace and the 100s are all out. 400 Choice swim. You can do IM, all Free, or any combination of strokes. 400 Choice with fins. Same as above: IM, Free, any combination. 300 Freestyle300 Freestyle with fins.200 Choice swim. You can do IM, all Free, or any combination of strokes.200 Choice with fins. Same as above.100 Choice swim.100 Choice with fins.WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2800

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