07/13/06 Back-Breast-Free Practice with Tempo Trainer

Jul 13, 2006
07/13/06  Back-Breast-Free Practice with Tempo Trainer

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin on front100 flutter100 dolphin on back200 free/backWith Zura Sidekick:200 breast kick, alternating 25 kick and 25 eggbeater or single legKICK SET: 600200 freestyle pull except third length of each 100 is breast pull4 X 100 breast kick with standard kickboard on 2:15 descend time [went 1:45...1:40...1:37...1:35]BACKSTROKE TT SET: 600Set the Tempo Trainer at a relaxed cadence for backstsroke. [I was 135.] 200 backstroke pull with pull buoy.Set the TT at :05 fastest cadence than on the pull. [I used 1:30.]4 X 100 backstroke on sendoff that gives you approx. :25 RI. Descend time 1-4. [I used 2:00 sendoff and went 1:37...1:34...1:33...1:32]On each 100, notch up the TT cadence by :05:#1: TT at 1:30#2: TT at 1:25#3: TT at 1:20#4: TT at 1:15 Don't miss your sendoff! Change the TT quickly after you finish each 100.BREASTSTROKE TT SET: 600Set the TT at a relaxed cadence for breaststroke. [I used 1:85.]200 pull, alternating 50 free and 50 breastSet the TT at :05 less than the pull cadence. [I used 1:80.]4 X 100 breast on sendoff that gives you approx. :30 RI. Descend time 1-4. [I used 2:00 sendoff again and went 1:33...1:32...1:31...1:29.]On each 100, notch up the cadence by :05.#1: TT at 1:75#2: TT at 1:70#3: TT at 1:65#4: TT at 1:65 [Was having trouble holding it together at 1:65, so repeated that cadence.]FREESTYLE TEMPO TRAINER SET: 600Set TT at relaxed cadence for freestyle. [I used 1:25.]200 freestyle pull.Set TT at :05 less than pull cadence.4 X 100 free on 2:00. Descend 1-4. [I used TT at 1:20 and went 1:25...1:25...1:23...1:20.]On each 100, notch up the cadence by :05.#1: TT at 1:20#2: TT at 1:15#3: TT at 1:10#4: TT at 1:05WARMDOWN: 100 EZ plus three starts from the blocks.Total Yardage: 3200

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