07/14/05 CCB Masters Taking Time

Jul 14, 2005
07/14/05  CCB Masters    Taking Time

We had only 5 swimmers at practice this morning, so I got in and swam with them. This gives me a chance to swim ahead of them, beside them, behind them, and sometimes underneath them. I can take a look at what THEY'RE doing from under water, and can stop them in mid pool if necessary to give feedback. I always worry that we don't do enough yardage when I get in with them -- because I do more teaching -- but they all said it was great to take some time and learn how to do the simple things better. Today we worked LEAVING THE WALL, FREESTYLE SCULLING, and STAYING LOW.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownLEAVING-THE-WALL SET: 250Do several streamline pushoffs, working on point-to-point streamlining, maintaining proper depth, small fast kick, low breakout.10 X 25 Freestyle on approx. :35 sendoff. Working on all of the aboveSCULLING SET: 500With pull buoy for the entire set.5 X 100, swum as 25 freestyle scull + 75 freestyle pull. Focus on keeping a straight line from fingertips through elbow -- don't bend the wrist -- on the sculling and transfer this feeling to the pulling. Also focus on how you leave the wall on each pushoff. Get as much distance as possible.STAYING LOW SET: 500With fins.5 X 100, swum as 25 Single-Switch/25 Free/25 Single-Switch/25 Free.Stay low to the water on the drill, especially as you make the switch. Stay low on the freestyle.BREASTSTROKE SET: 150Practice several underwater pullouts, working on pushing off STRAIGHT and maintaining proper depth. Focus on not popping up on the breakout.6 X 25 Breaststroke, working on the pullout.Total Yardage: Approx. 1800

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