07/17/06 IM & Tether

Jul 17, 2006
07/17/06 IM & Tether

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 640With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin80 flutter80 dolphin200 free/back200 breast kick, eggbeater, single legMAIN SET: approx. 2500With long-belt slider:1. push off, 30 head-lead breast kicks, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, turn, swim back assisted2. push off, eggbeater for 20 yards, turn, swim back assisted (breast)3. 80 breast on tether (20 resisted/20 assisted/20 resisted/20 assisted)5 X 100 on 2:00 sendoff with fins#1: 1st 20 is backstroke, remainder is fly#2: 2nd 20 is backstroke, remainder is flyetc.Repeat above tether set.5 X 100 on 2:00 sendoff, no equipment#1: 1st 20 is breaststroke, remainder is backetc.Repeat above tether set.5 X 100 on 2:15 sendoff, with pull buoy#1: 1st 20 is freestyle pull (breathe every 3), remainder is breast pull (breathe every 2)#2: 2nd 20 is freestyle pull, remainder is breast pulletc.WARMDOWN: 200EZ 200 freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathing every 3Total Yardage: Approx. 3300

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