07/19/05 Breaststroke/Backstroke Drill Practice

Jul 19, 2005
07/19/05  Breaststroke/Backstroke Drill Practice

WARMUP: 200With fins:100 Head-Lead IM100 Hand-Lead IMMAIN SET: 2000Four rounds of the following, using a different breaststroke drill on every 100. For explanations and video of all the drills, pick up a copy of GO SWIM BREASTSTROKE DRILLS WITH DAVE DENNISTON & STACIANA STITTS.5 X 100 continuous swim, done as 25 BR drill/25 BK/25 BR drill/25 BKSet #1 drills were:Hand-Lead Body DolphinPiston KickUnderwater Breast KickFast-Hands BreastKarlaSet #2 drills were:Breast with an Extra KickHead-Lead Kick on BackCobraBreathe Every Other StrokeGlide BreastSet #3 drills were:SkimmersFly/Breast Combo with all breast kickKick on Back with Hands/Arms in Air2 Sculls and a PullFlutter Kick with Breast PullSet #4 drills were:Pulse BreaststrokeGlide KickFast HandsMini PullFast HandsWARMDOWN: 300With Zura Alpha Fins300 EZ, alternating free/back/dolphinTotal Yardage: 2500

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