07/19/06 Tether and Fly

Jul 19, 2006
07/19/06  Tether and Fly

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 440With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin80 flutter80 dolphin200 free/back EZBREAST KICK SET: 400 + 20010 X 40 with 7 Rocket Launchers before each 40Odds: Breast with an Extra KickEvens: Eggbeater on Zura Sidekick200 EZ free pull, breathing every 3TETHER/FLY SET: approx. 2,000 Set up a long-belt slider.Swim twice through all of the following:* Push off, 30 head-lead breast kicks, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, turn, swim back assisted breaststroke.* Push off, 20 resisted eggbeater, turn, swim back assisted breaststroke.* 120 breast on the tether -- no stop With Zura Alpha fins and Tempo Trainer at 1:65:40 alternating cycle breast/cycle fly40 2L/2R/3 whole-stroke fly40 Karla drill40 2-2-2 fly40 3 strokes fly...switch to free40 2-2-2 fly200 EZ freestyle pullEXTRA TETHER SET: 240+++120 breast on the tether80 breast on the tether40 breast on the tetherWARMDOWN: 200This pool has no deep end -- it's about 3 1/2 to 4 feet deep everywhere. It also has flat walls. For warmdown, did a 200 of EZ bobs and walking, but each time I got 5 yards from the wall I'd do a dolphin dive, then fast flutter into a two-hand touch and breaststroke turn to practice race-pace turns on a flat wall.Total Yardage: approx. 3500

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