07/23/06 IM & Tether

Jul 24, 2006
07/23/06  IM & Tether

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 640With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin80 flutter80 dolphin200 free/back200 breast kick no equipment all positionsTETHER SET: 400 equiv. + 200Set up a long-belt slider.1. Pushoff, pulldown, 30 head-lead breast kicks, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, turn, swim back assisted.2. Pushoff, pulldown, eggbeater kick to end, turn, swim back assisted.3. 160 breast on the tether200 EZ recovery pull alt. free/backIM SET #1: 800 + 2004 X 200 IM on 4:00 descend [went 3:08...3:05...3:02...2:57]In a 20-yard pool, 200 is 10 lengths, so I floated the extra 40 throughout the set. First 200, the extra 40 was fly; second 200 it was back; etc.200 EZ pull, atl. back/freeTETHER SET #2: 400 equiv. + 80Repeat the first tether set, except the final tether swim is 120 instead of 160.80 EZ recoveryIM SET #2: 4004 X 100 IM on 2:00 sendoffA 100 is 5 lengths, so float the odd length throughout the set.WARMDOWN: 200200 EZ bobs, walking along the bottom, with race-pace turns at each wall.Total Yardage: 3300

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