07/27/04 IM Practice of 50s

Jul 29, 2004
07/27/04  IM Practice of 50s

Here's a quick IM practice -- about :45 minutes.WARMUP: 400With fins.4 X (25 Fly Drill + 25 Back Drill + 25 Breast Drill) + 100 Free.The drills get more complex and more intense as you go through each round.MAIN SET:Swim 3 rounds of the following:3 X 50 Kick, with 10 Rocket Launcers before each 503 X 50 Swim on :10 RI50 EZ1st Round is Backstroke.Kick is flutter on your back, holding pull buoy between legs and rotating side to side.Swim is Backstroke (I held :45 and did these on a :55 sendoff.)2nd Round is BreaststrokeKick is Breast on your back, holding pull buoy between legs.Swim is Breast (I held :43 and did these on a :55 sendoff. And I did 5 X 50 instead of 4 X 50.)3rd Round is FreestyleKick is flutter on your back, with pull buoySwim is Freestyle (I held :39 and did these on a :40 sendoff.)You could do an initial round of Butterfly, if you want.WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 1700

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