07/27/06 Getting Into Taper

Jul 27, 2006
07/27/06  Getting Into Taper

Did some familiar sets today, but took a bit more rest than usual and tried to swim faster.WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin on stomach100 flutter100 dolphin on back200 EZ free/back200 breast kick, various positions, including eggbeater and single legKICK SET: 400 + 2004 X 100 breast kick on 2:30 with a standard kickboard. Descend time. [Went 1:42...1:37...1:34...1:30]200 EZ swim -- free and backFLY SET: 450 + 250With fins and Tempo Trainer set at 1:60, three times through the following, all on :40 sendoff:25 alt cycle breast/cycle fly25 2L/2R fly...switch to fly25 Karla drill25 2L/2R fly...switch to fly25 of 3 strokes fly...switch to free25 2L/2R fly...switch to fly250 EZ swim with fins to recoverBREAST SET: 250 + 2505 X 50 breast on 1:15 sendoff#1: TT set at 1:70...8 strokes/length...:41#2: TT set at 1:65...8-9 strokes/length...:40#3: TT set at 1:60...9 strokes/length...:40#4: TT set at 1:55...9 strokes/length...:40#5 No TT...10 strokes/length...:39250 EZ recovery -- free/backkBREAST SET #2: 1004 X 25 breast on :40 sendoff10 and 11 strokes...19...18...19...17.5WARMDOWN: 400400 pull, rotating through 25 back...25 breast...50 free breathing every 2/every 53 starts from the blockTotal Yardage: 3000

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