WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET:6 X 100 swum as:1 & 2 @ approx. :30 RI3 & 4 @ :10 less rest5 & 6 @ :20 less rest than original sendoffTry to hold times the same, even as you're getting less rest.100 EZ with fins10 X 50 swum as:1-4 @ half the sendoff as on your first two 100s above. E.g., if your original sendoff on the 100s was 2:00, your sendoff on the first four 50s is 1:00.5-7 @ :05 less rest 8-10 @ :10 less rest than first four 50s100 EZ with finsBefore final set, we practices several streamlined pushoffs, just pushing off at the correct depth and rising to the surface with no kick or breakout.16 X 25 on a sendoff that is half the sendoff you used on the first four 50s.Focus on streamlined pushoffs!!!!WARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: Approx. 2300
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