08/11/05 CCB Masters Sandwich

Aug 11, 2005
08/11/05  CCB Masters  Sandwich

In this practice, you are using the 25s as active recovery between the 100s. I like doing 100s with active recovery because then, when you swim JUST a 100, it feels really easy.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 1600Swim twice through the following. Wear fins for everything except the 100 kick, which is done with a pull buoy.2 X 150 swum as 25 Dolphin on Stomach + 100 Free + 25 Dolphin on Back. Use the 25s as active recovery, i.e., don't take much rest between the 150s1 X 100 with pull buoy, alternating 25 flutter on back/25 breast kick on backSwim twice through the following. Wear fins for everything except the 100 pull.2 X 150 swum as 25 flutter on back + 100 IM + 25 flutter on back. Use the 25s as active recovery.1 X 100 pull with pull buoy, B+1 breathing pattern (Fastest lane did a 200 pull.)SPEED SET: 250Swim only one or two people in a lane for this speed parts.1 X 100 for time. Your choice of stroke, and you can wear any equipment you want -- or no equipment.100 EZ 1 X 50 for time. Choice of stroke and equipment.WARMDOWN: 100-200AT LEAST 100 cooldown. Do 200 if you have time.Total Yardage: 2400

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