08/17/04 CCB Masters IM Practice

Aug 17, 2004
08/17/04 CCB Masters IM Practice

WARMUP: 400400 your choice on your ownMAIN SET: 1000For all of the Fly lengths in this set, you can swim either regular Fly or 1L/1R/1 Whole-Stroke Fly. For all the kicks in this set, you can use either a kickboard or a pull buoy (in which case you kick flutter or breast on your back). Try to keep the same sendoff on all of the swim 50s -- take about :15 rest between swims. 50 Dolphin Kick50 Fly50 FL/BK50 BK/BR50 BR/FR50 FL/BK50 Flutter Kick50 Back50 BK/BR50 BR/FR50 FL/BK50 BK/BR50 Breast Kick50 Breast50 BR/FR50 FL/BK50 BK/BR50 BR/FR50 Flutter Kick50 FreeMAIN SET #2: 300 + 100 + 50Wear fins for this set. My intention on this set was to do 4 X 75, then 4 X 50, then 4 X 25 but we ran out of time and cut it short on the 50s and 25s.4 X 75, swum as 25 drill/25 drill/25 FAST Freestyle. Choose your own drills. We used Single Switch, Extended Release, Short Release, Fingertip Drag, Overarm.2 X 50, swum as 25 drill/25 FAST Freestyle. Drill was Freestyle with Dolphin Kick.2 X 25 FAST Freestyle, doing UW dolphin kick to the halfway point on each 25, then breakout to freestyle.WARMDOWN: 200200 EZTotal Yardage: 2100

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