08/23/04 Breast/Free Tether Practice

Aug 23, 2004
08/23/04 Breast/Free Tether Practice

I did this practice in a 20-yard pool, but you could easily do it in a 25-yard pool.WARMUP: 600EZ 600 yards alternating free/back/breast kick on your back.MAIN SET: Attach a tether to a lane-line bolt or to the starting block. Do the entire set with the tether.Using the tether, do an underwater breast pulldown, then keep kicking against the tether for 30 kicks. Keep your hands at your sides as you kick. Try to get your hips up and over. After 30 kicks, swim breast to the wall, do a turn, and swim assisted breaststroke back to your starting point. Keep the hips up during the swim. Catch your breath, do 10 bobs, then repeat. I did 4 of these.After the 4 breaststroke kick repeats, remain tethered, and put a pull buoy between your legs. Push off and take 50 strokes of freestyle, trying to maintain your position once the tether has gone taut. Focus on the catch part of your stroke. Catch early so that you don't slip backward. Take a short rest, then repeat. I did 4 repeats, changing my breathing pattern on each one (every 2 on comfortable side, every 2 on less comfortable side, every 3, every 4).Do 3 more of the breast kick repeats.Do 4 more of the freestyle repeats.Do 2 more of the breast kick repeats.Do 4 more of the freestyle repeats.Do 1 more of the breast kick repeats.WARMDOWN: 120 EZTotal Yardage: ??? Approx. 2000

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