08/23/05 CCB Masters Gloves, Nekked, Paddles

Aug 23, 2005
08/23/05 CCB Masters  Gloves, Nekked, Paddles

It's been way too long since I had my Masters team do a fistglove set. Today is the day! The idea of this main set is to experience what it's like to add surface area to your hands. You do a short set with fistgloves. Then you repeat the set with nekked hands. Then you repeat it again with paddles. We did not count strokes today, but if you want to add an extra challenge to this, count strokes on the fistglove set and try to maintain the same stroke count with nekked hands AND with paddles. Have fun.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 1800Swim three rounds of the following:1 X 50 flutter kick on back with pull buoy2 X 50 freestyle1 X 50 freestyle scull with pull buoy2 X 50 freestyle1 X 50 kick/scull with pull buoy2 X 50 freestyle1 X 50 EZ backstrokeRound #1:Fistgloves.Round #2:Nekked hands and all of the 2 X 50s become 2 X 75Round #3:Paddles and pull buoy for the entire round, and all of the 2 X 50s become 2 X 100WARMDOWN: 100100 EZ, anything except freestyle -- to give your shoulders a breakTotal Yardage: Approx. 2300

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