I've backed way off the swimming this summer (since Masters SCY Nats), and have been focusing more on running. But today I wanted to put it back in gear again with the swimming -- to start training for SCM Zones in early December. WARMUP: 1000With Zura Alpha Fins, swim continuously through the following:200 Head-Lead "IM"200 Hand-Lead "IM"200 Single-Arm "IM"200 2L/2R "IM"200 Combo "IM"KICK SET #1: 250Kick twice through the following (this is all breaststroke kick):25 UW 25 Hand-Lead on Back25 Hand-Lead on Stomach25 Head-Lead on Back25 Head-Lead on StomachKICK SET #2: 2505 X 50 breast kick with board on 1:30 sendoff, with 7 Rocket Launchers before head 50. Descend [went 54 down to 47]KICK SET #3: 250250 with pull buoy, alternating 25 breast kick on back and 25 whole-stroke breast with minimal armsKICK SET #4: 2505 X 50 on 1:00 sendoff. Kick UW for 12.5 yards, then surface and swim breast with wrist-pull only (and normal kick)FREE/BACK DRILL SET: 3006 X 50 on 1:00 with Zura Alpha FinsOdds: 25 Sit-Up Backstroke focus on wide entry/25 backstroke fast recovery, wide entryEvens: 20 Head-Up Tarzon freestyle focus on wide entry/30 freestyle wide entryWARMDOWN: 200With fins, 200 really EZ and stretching the armsTotal Yardage: 2500
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