09/14/04 CCB Masters Playing with Stroke Count

Sep 15, 2004
09/14/04 CCB Masters  Playing with Stroke Count

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownWARMUP SET: 400With fins.400, alternating 25 of Body Dolphin Kick on Your Back (either hand lead or head lead) and 25 of Freestyle. Go easy on the Freestyle lengths for the first 200, then, on the second 200, make each of the Freestyle lengths faster than the last one. You should be cranking on the final length of the 400.MAIN SET #1: 400 + 100With fins.4 X 100 Freestyle @ approx. :20 RI (fastest lane went on 1:40 sendoff)Count your strokes on the first 25, and then reduce your count by one stroke on each length of the 100. E.g., my first 25 was 13 strokes, so I tried to go 12 strokes, then 11 strokes, then 10 strokes for the rest of the 100. Then I started again on the next 100 with 13 strokes, then 12, etc. Don't churn or chop your stroke on the first 25, just to get a high count. Swim normally on the first 25. To reduce your stroke count, focus on extending from your fingertips all the way THROUGH your armpit on each stroke. Don't worry about your speed. The goal is to reduce stroke count. The slower swimmers did 3 X 100 as above.100 EZMAIN SET #2: 200/150 + 1004 X 50, swum as 25 Back/25 Breast on approx. :20 RI Count total strokes for the 50. Hold your stroke count the same on all 4 X 50, but reduce your time on each subsequent 50. Slower swimmers did 3 X 50.100 EZMAIN SET #3: 200/150 + 1004 X 50, swum as 25 Breast/25 Free on approx. :20 RICount total strokes for the 50. Hold your time the same, but reduce your stroke count on each subsequent 50. Slower swimmers did 3 X 50.100 EZMAIN SET #4: 150 3 X 50 Freestyle on approx. :20 RICount total strokes for the 50. Add this to your time in seconds to get your "score." E.g., 40 total strokes and :40 equals a score of 80. Goal is to reduce your score on each subsequent 50.WARMDOWN: 200200 EZTotal Yardage: 2250/2150, not including warmup

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