1/8/03 CCB Masters Freestyle Set

Dec 30, 2003
1/8/03   CCB Masters  Freestyle Set

1/8/03 CCB Masters Freestyle SetWARMUP: 400Fins optional.Swim 400 your choice.WARMUP SET: 300 No fins.Swim 4 rounds of the following. Sendoff is approx. :35.1 X 25 Wrist-Drag (drag your entire hand through the water)1 X 25 Finter-tip Drag1 X 25 Freestyle with low hand recoveryMAIN SET #1: 13004 X 25 Freestyle at BRISK pace on approx. :10 Rest Interval (RI) Count strokes on each 25 and use your average as "N."1 X 100 Free with each length @ N-12 X 75 Free with each length @ N3 X 50 Free with each length @ N+14 X 25 Free @ N-1100 EZ Recovery1 X 100 Free with each length @ N+12 X 75 Free with each length @ N3 X 50 Free with each length @ N-14 X 25 Free with each length @ N +1100 EZ RecoveryMAIN SET #2: 400/300/200Fast lane does 400. Middle lane does 300. Slower lane does 200.With pull buoy.Mini Lung BusterPull 400 (300/200) freestyle. On the odd lengths, you can breathe as often as you want. On the first two even lengths, breathe every 3 strokes. On the second two even lengths, breathe every 5 strokes. On the third two even lengths, breathe every 7 strokes. On the final two even lengths, breathe every 9 strokes.WARMDOWN: 200Your choice. Use any equipment you want (or no equipment). 200 EZ warmdown.Total Yardage: 2600/2500//2400

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