10-03-06 UV Rays Masters Easing Into Intervals

Oct 3, 2006
10-03-06 UV Rays Masters  Easing Into Intervals

After a couple of weeks of easy swimming, we're easing into intervals today.SHOULDER EXERCISESWARMUP: 30010 minutes or 300 your choiceSTREAMLINE SETS:2 streamline pushoffs -- push off in streamline and HOLD your streamline (no kick) until you pop up to the surface.4 X 25 freestyle, add the kick now to your pushoff and breakout, and try to break out with your feet PAST the flags.2 breaststroke pulldowns -- push off in streamline, then pull down with the dolphin kick, and hold this position until you pop up to the surface4 X 25 breaststroke, using downward dolphin kick on the pushoffMAIN SET #1: 600Three rounds of the following:50 Single-Switch freestyle drill, focus on staying low and clean rotation50 Free, focus on rotation50 2L/2R backstroke50 backstroke, focus on rotationRounds 1 & 3: FinsRound 2: No equipmentMAIN SET #2: 750Three rounds of the following:25 three strokes of fly...switch to EZ free50 Back/Breast75 Back/Breast/Free100 FreeRounds 1 & 3: FinsRound 2: No equipmentFastest lane had time for 200-300 pull.WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: Approx. 2000

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