10-05-06 Cadence Sets

Oct 5, 2006
10-05-06  Cadence Sets

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin on stomach100 flutter on back100 dolphin on back100 free/100 back250 breast kick -- all positions (UW, hand lead on back and stomach, head lead on back and stomachKICK SET: 250 + 2005 X 50 breast kick with regular kickboard on 1:30 with 6 Rocket Launchers before each 50. Descend time [went 57...50...47...45...43].200 freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathing every 3FLY SET: 600 + 200Three rounds of the following with no break between rounds.8 X 25 with fins on :30 sendoff:#1: Alternate 1 cycle fly/1 cycle breast#2: 2L/2R fly...finish with whole-stroke fly#3: Karla drill (1L/1R fly followed by 2 strokes breast with no breath)#4: 2L/2R fly...finish with whole-stroke fly#5: 3 strokes fly...finish with EZ free#6: 2L/2R fly...fnish with whole-stroke fly#7: FAST dolphin on your back into breakout, then EZ dolphin#8: Repeat #7Round #1: Wear fistgloves (or swim with closed hands) and with Tempo Trainer at 1:70Round #2: Fistgloves and TT at 1:65Round #3: Naked hands and TT at 1:60200 freestyle pull, breathing every 3BACKSTROKE SET: 500 + 2005 X 100 backstroke on 2:00First 4 X 100 are with fistgloves. Last 100 is naked hands. Crank up the TT cadence by :05 on each 100. [E.g., my settings were 1:20...1:15...1:10...1:05...1:00.] Descend time on each 100 [e.g., went 1:45...1:38...1:35...1:34...1:25] You have to work quickly to reset the TT when you're wearing fistgloves.200 freestyle pull, breathing every 3BREASTSTROKE SET: 2505 X 50, swum as 25 Pulse Breaststroke + 25 breastDid these on 1:10 sendoff.Did first 4 X 50 with fistgloves. Final 50 was naked hands. Cranked up the cadence on the TT on each 50. [Settings were 1:65...1:60...1:55...1:50...1:45.] Descend time. [Went :48 to :43.]WARMDOWN: 150EZ back/free/breast kickTotal Yardage: 3100

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