A few of our swimmers have late-season triathlons coming up (and FL Ironman), so we're still working triathlon skills, trying to get swimmers comfortable swimming close to each other. SHOULDER EXERCISESWARMUP: 300300 your choice, on your ownTRIATHLON HIP-DRAFTING SET: 1004 X 25 freestyle, swimming 2 abreast in each lane. Second swimmer should swim right at the hip of the first swimmer. Switch positions every 25 or at the 50.TRIATHLON DRAFTING SET: 200200 freestyle, swimming right behind the swimmer in front of you. Change positions every 50 or at the 100. Try to swim 6 to 12 inches behind the feet of the swimmer ahead of you. You don't want to TOUCH their feet -- just stay close to get the draft effect.FLY SET: 200 + 2008 X 25 with fins. Fastest lane went on :30 sendoff. Other lanes waited until all swimmers were at the wall.#1: Alternate 1 cycle fly/1 cycle breast#2: 2L/2R fly...finish with whole-stroke fly#3: Karla drill (1L/1R fly followed by 2 strokes breast with no breath)#4: 2L/2R fly...finish with whole-stroke fly#5: 3 strokes fly...finish with EZ free#6: 2L/2R fly...fnish with whole-stroke fly#7: FAST dolphin on your back into breakout, then EZ dolphin#8: Repeat #7200 EZ back/freeBACKSTROKE SET: 200 + 2008 X 25 with fins:1 & 2: Head-lead flutter kick on your back -- rotate your torso3 & 4: Repeat 1&2, but with cup of water on your forehead5,6,7&8: Swim backstroke with cup of wate ron your forehead200 with fins, alternating 25 back and 25 free. PRETEND you have the cup on your forehead on backstroke. Focus is STEADY HEAD on both backstroke AND freestyle lengths.BREASTSTROKE SET: 200 + 2004 X 50 breast, practicing downward dolphin kick on the pulldown200, alternating 25 breast and 25 free. Keep working the downward dolphin kick on pulldown.FREESTYLE SET: 4004 X 100 free with fins.Count strokes on first length. On next three lengths, take off one stroke per length, e.g. 15...14...13...12. Hold the same stroke-count pattern on each 100.WARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal yardage: 2200
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